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My 2023 Halloween Decor!

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I tend to decorate more for Halloween than I do Christmas but this year I went for a more subtle look than usual. I ended up editing last years Halloween decor after I posted it because it just felt over done. This year I wanted to create tables capes I could live with and would not want to take down. I feel I accomplished just that this year! I hope you like it!

So far this year my husband and I have watched several of our favorite scary movies. I’ve also had my fair share of pumpkin spice drinks and my daughters and I have already had our annual Practical Magic and popcorn day! What’s to come? Probably popcorn balls, s’mores dip and more movies!

My Top 5 BEST Movies for Halloween Season:

  • The Nun-Any movie that stems from the Conjuring is top notch but The Nun has got to be the scariest movie I’ve seen in a long time. We’ve watched 2 Annabelle Movies and 1 Conjuring movie as well this year.
  • Rosemary’s Baby-It never gets old. I catch new things even still. Plus that apartment is to die for!
  • Haunted Honeymoon-I watched this as a child with my mother and still love to watch it as a family today. It’s not really scary but it’s got such a spooky feel. It doesn’t get any better than Gilda Radner and Gene Wilder!
  • Bram Stoker’s Dracula-I watch this movie every year with a glass of red wine. It is one of the most beautiful movies and interpretations of the classic ever made.
  • Burnt Offerings-This 1976 movie never gets old. I love watching it every year. Directed by Dan Curtis (Dark Shadows), it’s a supernatural mystery that keeps you guessing until the end!

I believe I’ve mentioned this before but if you haven’t watched The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor on Netflix, you must. Warning though-they are heart wrenchingly spooky!

And if you need a really good creepy soundtrack, I’ve got a very eclectic Halloween mix on Spotify!

For all the Halloween inspiration, I’ve got a Halloween section on this blog as well as one on Jenni Raincloud blog.

Happy Haunting, Jenni

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